Easter is Coming | 2021

EASTER | April 4, 2012

Easter Season Services

This Easter season has already begun, with Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. We hope you have been able to participate in our Lenten Bible Study – 24 Hours that Changed the World – on Thursdays during this season. 

Palm Sunday Worship | March 28 | 9:00am & 11:00am

We continue our preparation for Easter as we remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The 11:00am service will have the children’s palm processional and the Children’s Choir will sing. There will be lunch for our church family and an Easter Egg Hunt for the children following the 11:00am service.

Palm Sunday After 11:00am Worship | March 28

Please join us for our Kid Friendly Lunch and Annual Easter Egg Hunt after the 11:00am worship service on Palm Sunday, March 28! Please be sure to bring your Baskets! Family and friends are welcome! REGISTER HERE for Lunch and/or Egg Hunt!
Maundy Thursday | April 1 | 6:00pm

Maundy Thursday | April 1 | 6:00pm

Tenebrae Service: A service of darkness. Join us as we experience the last hours of Christ’s earthly ministry. We will celebrate Holy Communion during the service as Christ’s disciples gathered with Him in the upper room. We complete our Lenten journey to the cross in darkness as we leave to contemplate Good Friday and anticipate the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

3 Services | In-Person & Online | 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am

On Easter Sunday three identical worship services will be offered to celebrate the Risen Lord! Join us as we celebrate the Resurrection with Brass, Handbells, Scripture, and the Easter Sermon “All Shook Up”. We will not require any registration for these services, but will continue to ask you to socially distance and respect and love those around you. If possible, please choose the early service time so our guests may have more room at the later services.
…and Coming up Next:
Look for more info Coming soon. RSVP for the Lunch after Church in the Park: HERE.